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Showing posts with label travel jakarta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel jakarta. Show all posts

Get To Know Unusual Mass Transportation In Indonesian

Indonesia is the six largest country with more than 230 million peoples. 30 million of them live all over Indonesia big city such as Jakarta,Bandung and Surabaya, make java island where those big city are is the most crowded island. If you think mass trasportation in Indonesia is like bus or train and taxi, then you an epic failed. Those mass transporation couldnt handle the overpopulation in big city and so there others type of mass transport yang peoples common use everyday.

1. Angkot

Angkot stand for angkutan perkotaan (city transport) basicly angkot is an car usually a mini bus that already been modifed with no regular car seat.  So passenger sit face to face like their on a train, angkot is the most common and wide spread mass transport in Indonesia big city. Every big city make their angkot with a costumize signature for every destination such as colour or number, so you have to remember this to avoid get in to the wrong destination.

Their nothing luxury about angkot, no air conditioner or what ever it is. Driver usually take more passenger than the car could afford to fit in. Lucky this stupid mass transportation is legal, so goverment who decide the rate and ussually you have to pay the same amount for both long and short distance. Angkot in big city not always save, expecially at night. Theres a lot of robbery and rappist inside angkot, get in to angkot in the middle of the night alone and being a women tourist is sunicide.


Sound weird right? I dont event know  what ojeg stand for! But one thing for sure its the second most use mass transport and its not legal but is okay. Ojeg is motocycle, so basicly its a two wheel version of a cab. But more easy to find ojeg rather than a cab, you can spot ojeg in every corner of street. You just look for low class people, ugle face, ugle wardrobe who waiting beside motorcycle and ask “ojeg?”

Ojeg will deliver you everywhere! Yes everywhere! But first you gotta deal the rate first, carefully ojeg drivers usually will put a high rate, you must good at dealing the rate. Ojeg driver also know love to  scam the passenger by telling them lies, that the destination are far away. Ojeg driver will take you round and round in the city before arrive in you destination, make you felt worth it to pay that much.

3. Gojeg

Gojeg stand for ojeg on-line. This is the same thing with ojeg but its legal. And you must download gojek apps for calling gojek driver, if you familiar with uber then its is the same stuff but not a car, its a motorcycle. The best part of gojek is, you dont have to look for ojek and you dont have dealing the rate with the driver. Everything is on the apps, how many gojek driver in you area and easy to know how much you must pay for certain distance. So you wont get fool like by the ordinary ojeg driver.

Ok, you might ask if there any bus or train and off course a taxi? Yes there are in each of big city. But remember those mass transportation allready dominate by middle class peoples, so 9-5 office hour every mass transport like bus, train and taxi will crowded by this cubicle worker. And there no chance you will enjoy the ride beside the crowded there also the insanely traffic jam. Wanna stuck for hours inside bus, train and taxi with no space to move your toe?
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5 Things You Must Prepare Before Visiting Indonesia

If you planning to travelling and manage to book flight to one of the largest country in the world, there several thing you must prepare before putting toes in this archipelago country. Others wise you might end up miserable and drain up your mind, body and soul facing this ernoumous country.

1. Either Hot Or Rain

Indonesia is an country with two option weather, either hoy day or rainy day. Thanks to global warming theres no way you can predict the weather, but usually  January till Octobers is rain season and from middle year to the end of year is dry season, it meant a full of sweaty hot days. So prepare umbrella as well tank tops or other summer clothes. Winter jacket will be useless, unless you wanna climb a mountain.

2. Move Out From Jakarta ASAP

I asume you will arrived in Indonesia capital city Jakarta, i suggest to get out from this city ASAP! This city will ruined your holiday with the chaotic traffic, fload in rain season and others horrible things, i couldnt event write it. So prepare your hostel or hotel outside Jakarta, event for first timer Jakarta will suck you up like Alice in a rabbit hole.

3. Get An Local Guide.

Not everyone in Indonesia knew how to speak english, so contac your local guide will be wise decision. It will cut your time for searching place, food and other things. Local guide also helps you a lot understand the culture, what you can dan can’t do in Indonesia. Remember Indonesia may i republic but also the largest moslem country.

4. Don’t Be Stupid Backpackers

Remember all that movies where you can just arrive without plans? Well forget about that! This is Indonesia, you came without preparing anything? You might a dead meat here! Please prepare your hostel, what you want to see, how long will you stay. If something happen to you in Indonesia, you goverment wont be able to help or find you.

5. Bring Cash Or Debit Card.

Well you lucky because rupiah is very weak for dollar, all i can say is almost everything cheap and affordable if you using dollar. Start from five star hotel, food and other things like souvenir, but sadly the price of all that will climb twice for foreigners. Indonesian people will rate up if you a white tourist.  And Indonesia will not accepted travel cheque! So prepare cash or debit card, everything in Indonesia either cash or debit card. 
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4 Place Must Go For A Week In Jakarta


If you are looking for a suspension from the crude together with tough, this is equally cheesy equally it sounds, Ancol Dreamland is could live your dream place. It is opened up for 24 hours amongst entertainment common Fantasy World (Dunia Fantasi (dufan)), Atlantis Water Adventure, Ocean Dream Samudra (pentas lumba) for brute shows, Seaworld, beaches (pantai), Art Market (pasar seni), golf game range, bowling, Ocean Eco Park, gondola, Hailai club, fine know-how academy, paintball together with wakeboarding. Let say this is Indonesia Disney Land.


An icon of the urban center in addition to a symbol of the fight of Indonesia, Monas is a home worth visiting. In add-on to the monument, yous tin give the sack too observe The National History Museum inwards the expanse around Monas. In this museum in that location are many dioramas depicting the history of Indonesia. In add-on to learning almost the history of Indonesia, it is quite interesting to have pictures amongst Monas equally a background. Be creative in addition to brand your ain unique picture!

The monument in addition to the museum are located inwards cardinal of Jakarta, are opened up daily from 08.00 – 15.00 throughout the calendar week except for the final Mon of each calendar month when the monument is near by. I prefer to run into Monas at eve fourth dimension in addition to rest until a flake later suncoterie.


This 100-hectare commons has full-scale traditional houses for each of Indonesia’s provinces, amongst displays of regional handicrafts in addition to set hing, a mini-scale Borobudur, an orchid garden in addition to a aeroplane park. Museums, theatres in addition to an IMAX movie house are scattered throughout the grounds, which all control additional entrance fees. Free cultural performances are staged (usually around 10am);  the main day is Sunday because large twenty-four hours for cultural events, just shows are too held during the week.
You could walk, drive, have a shuttle  or purpose the monorail or cable auto to go around the park. Taman Mini is almost 18km from the metropolis centre.


If you desire to swallow Indonesian nutrient inwards a slap-up eating place alongside a prissy ambiance, I would counsel my favorite: Lara Djongrang Restaurant (Cik Di Tiro street No. four Menteng). Need to calm twenty-four hours to write emails or in all probability write an frostyle for your blog? Here are my proffer for a good,consoleable cafe alongside free wifi in addition to prissy drinks/food. Along side this restauran, you could also find many street food that will pleasure your thouge for sure. 

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Takengon And Gerute An Enchanted City In Aceh

Are you a real traveller? allready bored with the same old travelling destination? Then there is a place with stunning natural beauty and few people know. What i meant is the island of Aceh from Indonesia, in 2002 Aceh's hit by 9.3 Richter earthquake. But nature successfully recovered and returned to show his face a thousand times more charming.

I visited the city named Takengon in central Aceh, the city is one of the greenest cities. You can breathe relieved with blue skies and flowers that grow wild in every corner of the city.

Takengon is a city surrounded by hills, the features for the traveler's most amazing is a freshwater lake called lake Lut. Lake Lut is the second largest lake on the island of Sumatera, according to locals peoples there a urban legend that every full moon, appears a giant tortoise shell-shaped creatures called Baning.

                              This lake has a spectacular view, I have prepared a video for you.

No need to fear the price of resort or hotel in this small town because its really cheap only ranged from USD 200 to 500, but this only applies to hotels in the city of Takengon. If you target the hotels on the edge of the Lake of Lut, I think it would be more expensive. This lake also can be used for diving, a lot of wild life that has not been touched in the Lake of Lut.

In addition there is one more place amazing place in Takengon distric, you have to move further into Aceh jaya. There is a place called Gerute, this is the worst region hit by  tsunami in 2002.

Gerute Beach one of the stunning white beaches you will ever see and so clean. Only local people who know the existence of Gerute beach, this place is paradise for diving and snorkeling. Even large islands that previously destroyed in tsunami lunge, now became the a place suitable for your travelling hideaways.

In this video I will show a small island in Gerute who formerly was a large island, but split by the tsunami.


If you are looking for hotels in Garute, then you will not find at all. There are only a few guest houses only, it should also be observant to rate the price. Since I am only one day in Gerute, so i could got time for asking the guest house price rate.

But on Saturday or the weekend this Gerute visited much by local people, but oddly enough more foreigners who know Gerute of rather the people of Indonesia.

You can also see the wild flowers that grow in Takengon by clicking on this page, these photos really are not at all be able to demonstrate the beauty of the Takengon and Gerute. Because I forgot to bring my camera, it can only rely on the blackberry. But I guarantee if Takengon and Gerute Aceh could give you a refreshing new experience of a true traveller.
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Flower Of Takengon

Recently i having a trip to Takengon, a small city in Aceh. The city have blue skies and still natural, we can easyly find many plantation there. one thing that i noticed is Takengon have many beautiful flowers, most of them grow wild. I took some pictures of  those flowers hope you'all enjoyed it, wild flowers of Takengon.

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